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    Recursos Traductor To behave in a way as to attract attention; to brag

to behave in a way as to attract attention; to brag

Resultado de la traducción
Comportarse de manera que llame la atención; alardear to behave in a way as to attract attention; to brag

behave verbo

1. behave in a certain manner.

Show a certain behavior Traducción de 'Show a certain behavior'
Conduct or comport oneself Traducción de 'Conduct or comport oneself'
You should act like an adult Traducción de 'You should act like an adult'
Don't behave like a fool Traducción de 'Don't behave like a fool'
What makes her do this way? Traducción de 'What makes her do this way?'
The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people Traducción de 'The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people'

2. behave in a certain manner.

She carried herself well Traducción de 'She carried herself well'
He bore himself with dignity Traducción de 'He bore himself with dignity'
They conducted themselves well during these difficult times Traducción de 'They conducted themselves well during these difficult times'

3. behave well or properly.

The children must learn to behave Traducción de 'The children must learn to behave'

way sustantivo

1. how something is done or how it happens.

The new policy has changed the way we approach customer service, making it more efficient and personalized. La nueva política ha cambiado la forma en que abordamos el servicio al cliente, haciendo que sea más eficiente y personalizado.

2. thing or person that acts to produce a particular effect or achieve an end.

A means of control Traducción de 'A means of control'
An example is the best agency of instruction Traducción de 'An example is the best agency of instruction'
The true way to success Traducción de 'The true way to success'

3. a line leading to a place or point.

The hiker followed the winding way through the dense forest, careful not to lose her footing on the rocky terrain. El senderista siguió el camino serpenteante a través del bosque denso, cuidadoso de no perder la footing en el terreno rocoso.

4. the condition of things generally.

Despite the economic downturn, the country's way was still filled with hope and optimism for a better future. A pesar del retroceso económico, el camino del país seguía lleno de esperanza y optimismo para un futuro mejor.

5. a course of conduct.

The company's new policy has become the way of doing business, and employees are adjusting accordingly. La nueva política de la empresa se ha convertido en el modo de hacer negocios y los empleados están ajustándose según sea necesario.

6. any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another.

The old wagon trail had long since been abandoned, but it still served as a way for hikers to access the remote mountain region. El sendero de carro viejo había sido abandonado hace tiempo, pero todavía servía como vía para que los senderistas accedieran a la región montañosa remota.

7. a journey or passage.

The hikers had to find their way through the dense forest to reach the campsite before nightfall. Los senderistas tuvieron que encontrar su camino a través del bosque denso para llegar al sitio de acampada antes del anochecer.

8. space for movement.

The hikers followed the winding trail through the dense forest, taking their time to navigate the narrow way. Los senderistas seguían el sendero serpenteante a través del bosque denso, tomando su tiempo para navegar el camino estrecho.

9. the property of distance in general.

The way to my childhood home is still etched in my memory, even after all these years. (In this sentence, "way" refers to the distance or path between two places.) El camino a mi casa de la infancia sigue grabado en mi memoria, incluso después de todos estos años. (En esta oración, "camino" se refiere a la distancia o trayectoria entre dos lugares).

10. doing as one pleases or chooses.

She's been living her own way since she left college, traveling and working on her art without any particular plan. Ella ha estado viviendo de su manera propia desde que se graduó de la universidad, viajando y trabajando en su arte sin tener un plan específico.

11. a general category of things.

The way of life in the rural community was vastly different from what we were used to in the city. El modo de vida en la comunidad rural era muy diferente a lo que estábamos acostumbrados en la ciudad.

12. a portion of something divided into shares.

The company offers investors a choice between two ways to share in its profits: through dividends or stock buybacks. La empresa ofrece a los inversores la opción de compartir sus ganancias de dos maneras: a través de dividendos o recompra de acciones.

attract verbo

1. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes.

The charismatic leader's confident demeanor and inspiring speech attract a large following, drawing people to his cause. El líder carismático tiene un porte confiado y un discurso inspirador que atrae una gran cantidad de personas a su causa.

2. be attractive to.

The bright colors and vibrant patterns on the artist's painting attract many visitors to the gallery. Los colores brillantes y patrones vivos en la pintura del artista atraen a muchos visitantes a la galería.

3. exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away.

The gravitational pull of the Earth attracts the space station in orbit around our planet, keeping it from drifting off into deep space. La atracción gravitacional de la Tierra atrae la estación espacial en órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta, manteniéndola desde que se desvíe hacia el espacio profundo.

attention sustantivo

1. the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others.

The teacher's attention was focused on the student who was struggling to solve the math problem, causing her to overlook the rest of the class. La atención del profesor estaba enfocada en el estudiante que se esforzaba por resolver el problema de matemáticas, lo que le hizo pasar por alto al resto de la clase.

2. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something.

The medical team provided attention to the patient's wound, carefully cleaning and dressing it to promote healing. El equipo médico brindó atención al herido del paciente, limpiando y vendando cuidadosamente para promover la curación.

3. a general interest that leads people to want to know more.

The new documentary sparked attention among environmentalists, who were eager to learn more about the impact of climate change on local ecosystems. El nuevo documental despertó la atención entre los ambientalistas, quienes estaban ansiosos por aprender más sobre el impacto del cambio climático en los ecosistemas locales.

4. a courteous act indicating affection.

The grandmother showed her grandchild attention by giving them a warm hug and listening to their story about school. La abuela mostró su nieto atención dándole un abrazo cálido y escuchando su historia sobre la escuela.

5. the faculty or power of mental concentration.

The teacher asked the students to focus their attention on the complex math problem, and after a few minutes, they were able to solve it correctly. El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que centraran su atención en el problema matemático complejo y después de unos minutos, pudieron resolverlo correctamente.

6. a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together.

The instructor asked us to assume the attention position before starting the martial arts demonstration, ensuring we were all standing evenly and focused. El instructor nos pidió que asumieramos la posición de atención antes de comenzar la demostración de artes marciales, asegurándonos de estar todos de pie de manera igual y enfocados.

brag verbo

1. show off.